

The German Food Culture-German Food

The German Food Culture

The German Food Culture

I load vehicle make my stylings and

 You're watching get germanized the

 German food culture yes we have one

 Advice well if you think about different countries you already have foods in mind right France is like frogs no just get it like baguette or like wine Italy is pizza and pasta but what about Germany well probably worst right sausage and sauerkraut and mashed potatoes well we love that let's be honest we do we

 Really do but there's more to be honest you can't really say oh that is German food only because it is changing

 Constantly and differs from region to region like people in Bavaria will love different stuff than we do here in

 Northern Germany and so you can't really generalize the German food I mean in

 Germany we even have 300 different types of bread but that doesn't mean that

 Every single one will be delicious to you there might be some that you really enjoy and there might be some that you really hate and so well it's pretty much the same thing with all the different kinds of foods we have here also in

 Germany we produce about like 5000

 Different types of beer and they brew around 9 million hectoliters of wine

 Every year so yeah there will also be something you like something you don't like do you brew wine well I don't even know but anyway this is not the point here the federal state of xylem for

 Example is influenced by the French

 Cuisine while it is at least likely that you find some of the Danish cuisine in Hamburg in schleswig-holstein but if you ask a German hey what's your favorite food you will most likely hear the

 Following few things spaghetti

 Bolognaise pizza and of course the Derna the kebab this might be surprising to you but we Germans really really love foreign foods and the Doudna was

 Actually not invented in Turkey as you might think but the guy was Turkish but he invented it 1972 in Berlin and so you can kind of say it has

 Something to do with Germany and then that's why some Germans me included like the kebab the Doudna well I don't eat meat anymore so I eat it with falafels but it's just as delicious and some

 People ask me like oh when I come to

 Germany will I like the food I really think it's all greasy and tasteless and yuck but I can really calm you down here we have so many different restaurants we have Indian restaurants Chinese Italian Turkish and Thai and you pretty much

 Anything you can find in other countries as well so if you don't want to eat

 German food you don't have to you can just order in every night or go to a

 Restaurant like a Mexican restaurant or whatever your taste buds want Berlin

 Alone has over 190 Italian restaurants and if you are a fan of fine dining

 Don't worry because we got that covered as well that brings me to my next point if you know any really really nice

 Restaurants that you've been to or that you've heard about that you want to

 Visit let me know in the comments below that way I can make a list in the video description with your favorite

 Restaurants and I think that's better than as if I just like look for stuff on the internet that i've never been to but of course it doesn't always have to be dining out you can also very easily cook anything you want at home or in your

 Hotel given that your hotel has a

 Kitchen that you can use it is very easy to find like high quality and healthy products in Germany or unhealthy

 Products if here you prefer that and you can just buy that in the supermarket for not much money and cook your nice

 Healthy fancy delicious whatever meal at home and last but not least I want to talk about another food that is yeah

 People at least say that it's very

 German it's the curry Wurst it's like a chopped up sausage at worst a bratwurst usually with a curry sauce but the curry sauce itself isn't all that German but we Germans love it and you will find it pretty much anywhere in bigger cities like we will have little fasting places even at the street that sells curly

 Wilson bratwurst and fries and all that kind of stuff and I think i've read that we Germans eat about 800 million Kerli worse each year so we definitely like them anyways guys like I said let me

 Know in the comments below about your favorite German foods or the foods that you love one like that you eat when

 You're in Germany your favorite

 Restaurants fast food places anything like that posted in the comments below I would love to hear it because I'm big on traveling myself and them I would love to check some out if you enjoyed the

 Video please leave a like and subscribe to the channel for more videos about the German language and culture and if you really love the channel then you can

 Support it on patreon.com slash get

 Germanized you will also find all the links to my social networks in the video description and the outro alright apart from that thank you very much for

 Watching don't forget to get germanized goodbye and auf wiedersehen random bits game gaming says what are some like

 Songs you used to sing as a kid I don't know like in German well we had songs of the kindergarten like Fogle Hawks I'd I don't know the lyrics anymore but it was a song about birds marrying other birds and that kind of stuff and de plume

 Socket boom busy indeed unlock the

 Vehicle come out something like that

 It's like a children's songs but what do you expect I don't I don't remember

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