




If you have started playing badminton and want to play singles, you should know the rules of the game. Especially if you intend to join the competitions. In this video you will learn everything.

You need to play the game correctly. If you want to level up your game. Here are the rules that you absolutely need to know and keep in mind so that you can play the game properly. The first thing to know about singles is the fact that they are up to 21 points per game or set.

Okay, but you have to win two of the three games or now set the score is Until the 21st, but in case there are cases where you and your opponent are tied at 20 all, then the first player to get two consecutive points will win that particular game, okay, so if you continue 21 all 22 .

All 23 all the maximum score will be 30. So that's everyone who reaches 31. Win that game right, so now um the umpire will flip a coin or maybe you know Throw the shuttlecock Throw the shuttlecock and whoever you point the court to.It comes to serve so that whoever is serving will have to start from the right side because all the even numbers must be served from the right side and all the odd numbers.

It will be served on the left side now for singles. The court is a little smaller, this outside area is somewhat canceled. Or which means that if the shot goes there, it is already considered discarded. So if your opponent hits the shuttlecock somewhere in this area or somewhere in this area, you don't need to hit the shuttlecock and it's an automatic point for you if you hit the shuttlecock back, however. then the rally just continues.

Okay, another crucial point for that. Is it the fact that when the Shuttle cork hits the line but bounces, it is. I still consider it. Okay, be very careful and me. I'd always say that if you're not sure about it. The Shuttle is out, you could also hit it back at your opponent. So you start serving from the right side because the score is zero so the rally continues. If you get the point, just switch to the left side. 

Do your service well when you are. Service, You must stay inside your box. Okay, the service will only be from this area. If you happen to step on the front or side lines, it could be. Failure called by the referee or service judge Therefore, he must remain inside the area as a server or as a receiver After hitting well, all services are diagonals now if This player is serving this player It has to be diagonal and it has to be Inside the box is fine again emphasizing that the outside part is already considered Outside, so the player has to draw inside. This square if the serve falls here That is called short or is considered outside So you must serve it diagonally on the inside. 


This box is fine after service. You can go to the middle and continue. With the play Okay, keep in mind that when the serve is on the wrong side of the court. But the opponent hits him anyway, then the Rally alone. Continue with another question, If the serve if the shuttle hits the net To do so, you know it is the foul or is it considered inside if the shuttle being served hits the net but still lands within the designated area, then the opponent must return The hit. it will be the server point, for example. You get another point from the play. Then you just change. So you follow the server score. For example. Player a gets another point, so the score is two serves from player a from the right side. 

Player b's opponent has to go diagonally. And also stay on the right side for you. Follow the servers score to know where you have to stop So alright the rally continues this time Player b gets the point and the score now becomes one two so what happens again follows the server score So the server is player b one one two so you follow player b's score so keep going. From the play, the points are good. So it doesn't matter if it's your service or if you're receiving. You can get the point as long as you get the rally. 

Okay, again for emphasis. If the shuttle in progress hits the line and bounces, it is considered within. But if the shuttle lands outside but bounces in some way, it is considered outside, so those are crucial rules of the game, what do you look at? They don't look at the shuttle boom, they look at where the cork lands first, so if the cork lands on the Line and bounces, that's in. But if the cork lands and bounces in. That's still out. Okay, when a person is serving. It has to be diagonally the same as the receiver, but after that, it can golpear it anywhere, as long as it is inside this box, this outer part of the cable is considered outside, it is ok Same with the lines at the back if the shuttle lands and touches the end line but bounces that it is still inside, for that's very important to have linesmen because when you're playing sometimes it's really. It's hard to see where the shuttle landed AND specifically where it hit the cork First.

Okay, it's not where the pen touched But on the cork Now if the rally is ongoing and Shuttle somehow makes it back to the network But it manages to get in, you must take it And you must reproduce it well because that is still considered in is never a defect Well now for the server or receiver You must stay inside your box, don't stand in the end if in the middle OR front is ok, it has to stay inside their boxes For service and reception Apart from the fact that You can't step on the line when you're serving, you're not supposed to get your feet up well when coming into contact with the hut. You are not supposed to lift your feet after hitting the steering wheel. Then you can get up and go back to the center. It's okay. So you can only lift your heel a little when you serve. But you can't lift your feet because the service judge will call you guilty now. When you're scoring at 11 points You can stop and have a You know, take a break take a sip of water If you have a coach in the back waiting for you Coaches can come over to the side and talk to you At 11 points whoever gets the point first at 11 It doesn't matter, but you take a break If it's your opponent who got to 11 first or you got to 11 first You take a 60 second break So a coach or maybe a friend can come

Come in and talk to you just for 60 seconds, then you have to get back on board and continue the game now. Whoever reaches 21 wins that first game and you have to move and switch. Off the court, but before you get back in there is another two minute break to train and you already know additional advice from your friends or coaches before you actually come back, so you switch sides. And continue the game now if you won the first game and you won the second game, then there is no need to play The third game is fine the third set the third game you don't need to play it If you have won two sets in a row that's it, but if you both win one set each, then they have to go for a third set.

Third set third game, so again you will have that two minute interval, two minutes to. The coaches will come to talk to you at that time. You change sides but at 11 points You again have your 60 second break Go and talk to your coaches and then you have to change. Sides at 11. Okay so it's like Evening the Score and Evening you know.


Stay on one side of the court Additional suggestion when the play is in progress AND a shot was hit outside going off but the player hits it Again the play must continue However, if this person hits the shuttle that was outside AND b did not achieve When it arrives the moment the game ends and you win two sets in a row or one through three games or three sets Normally after the game progresses The net. 

You shake hands and go to the referee to shake hands with the referee and the service judge. You can also improve your singles game by knowing the correct strategies, specifically for this type of match, watch the videos you see in your 

Tactics Learn Screen To dominate in singles, don't forget to subscribe. Level up your game and be the next Smashing hit.

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